sexta-feira, 4 de maio de 2018


Coughdust é uma banda que tem como membro Latva (baterista da Rotten Sound). Bom, o som da Coughdust é uma mistura doida de doom, death metal e stoner (principalmente pelos riffs e solos de guitarra) e é claro, isso é pesado, lento e berrado.  Da hora!

Coughdust is a band that has a member Latva (drummer of Rotten Sound). Well, the sound of Coughdust is a crazy mix of sludge, death metal and stoner (mainly by riffs and guitar solos), of course, this is heavy and slow with guttural vocals. Good!

Sludgecore / Stoner / Death Metal - Tampere - Finlândia / Finland
Metal Archives

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