quarta-feira, 12 de abril de 2017


Gypsy Wizard and the Prophets of Doom é da Sérvia e seus membros são de bandas como Dažd, Kinovia e Hazarder. O som deles é aquele occult rock psicodélico bem chapado de LSD e demais drogas alucinógenas que te levaram a outro plano. De cara tu nota influências de The Doors e Deep Purple, o que é um charme a mais. Então, eu posso dizer também que a banda é uma mescla de horror b, xamanismo oriental e cultura cigana. Se tu curte as bandas já citadas e Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats irá se amarar na Gypsy Wizard and the Prophets of Doom.

Gypsy Wizard and the Prophets of Doom is a band from Serbia and its members are from bands like Dažd, Kinovia and Hazarder. Their music is the psychedelic occult rock loaded with LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs that took you to another dimension. Of course, you will easily hear the influences of The Doors and Deep Purple, which is an added charm. So, I can also say that the band is a mixture of horror b, oriental shamanism and gypsy culture. If you like the bands already mentioned and Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats, then you will like Gypsy Wizard and the Prophets of Doom.

Occult Rock - Belgrado / Belgrade - Sérvia / Serbia

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